Caspian Tern
Sterna caspia
Synopsis: The world's largest colony of these birds is on an island in the mouth of the Columbia River. Others breed farther inland along the Columbia River, and in the large alkaline lakes in eastern Oregon rangelands. A colony at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge nested annually until 1960, then re-established in 1983. Most notable during the atlas project period are the records from Coos, Crook, Baker, and Malheur Counties. However, fledglings still dependent on adults for food sometimes travel long distances, thus making it difficult to pinpoint where some individuals breed.

Habitat Associations:
Lake/Pond Shoreline & Islands (372807 acres)
Coastal Ledges & Islands (47076 acres)

Relative Detectability: Easy to spot, but nesting is usually at locations that are difficult to access.

Challenge: Attempt to confirm breeding along the coast, in central Oregon, and in western Baker and central Malheur Counties.